書名: Teaching and Learning in the Language Classroom

作者: Tricia Hedge
出版社: Oxford
經銷商: 本書籍在以下通路均有銷售,詳細銷售地點請致電各通路詢問。

In comparison with other books on teaching, which focus largely on the technical problems of language learning, Teaching and Learning in the Language Classroom concentrates on more general difficulties that come with managing a classroom. This comprehensive text is divided into four parts. The first part emphasizes the ways in which insights and developments over the last three decades have influenced the methodology, interactive learning, and the distinctive roles played by teachers in the classroom. Parts two and three are primarily concerned with the relationship and integration of the four traditional language skills, reading, writing, listening, and speaking. The first three parts provide practical information on the language teaching classroom and valuable insight into many of the aspects focused on in the Teaching Knowledge Test course book. However, it is the fourth part that is of particular relevance to readers of the TKT course book. Part four is directed largely at the relationship between teaching and assessment, and is recommended as a supplementary guide in Unit 21 of the TKT course book.


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